Sunday 5 October 2014

Autumn in Arbonne Means Activity!

Arbonne Evolution™ Set from Arbonne United KingdomGreens Balance

September has been a truly fabulous month in Arbonne with the launch of some ground breaking new products in the UK including these three products in our nutrition range.  The Full Control and Metabolism Support are designed to help people who want to manage their weight and the Greens Balance which provides a spectrum of proprietary colour blends of whole fruit and vegetable powders — delivering antioxidants, phytonutrients and the fibre you need to have a more balanced, healthier diet every day.  

Me, well I got to have a short break in Italy and then roll on Liverpool where we had our amazing Arbonne Advantage Conference - the annual UK event.  Last year there were 1100 of us coming together, this year 1500 at the Echo Arena.  What's really exciting is that this is the time our Limited Edition Festive range is showcased.  I was so impressed I have bought samples of just about the entire range so my Hostesses will be able to offer the chance for their guests to get some Christmas Shopping done in comfort and without the queues! :0)  One or two of my favourites have got to be the Sugar Plum Baked Eye Shadow Pallete and the Kiss At Midnight Lip Conditioner Trio

October promises to positively fizz with the much awaited Energy Fizz Sticks becoming available in the UK for the first time.  I ordered mine and have been delighted with the results.  Before dashing off to an evening meeting after a night of disturbed sleep I tried my first one - I perked up no end and didn't flag once.  A repeat of the experiment once again gave me a great result and I know I shall be keeping a regular supply in my handbag, car and in the kitchen. And judging by the number of bookings lining up ahead I shall need to keep fizzing!  One that I am really happy to have been selected for is the Exeter Axehayes Adoption Centre for Cats Protection - charity pamper evening on the 17th!   charity-pamper-evening It promises to be a fun event and I hope we raise lots of money for a fantastic cause.

Anyway, this is a longer Blog than usual but I hope you've found it interesting.  Feedback or questions always welcome - just message me on Facebook
Energy Fizz Sticks - Citrus from Arbonne United Kingdom
A little packet with a big result! 

Saturday 16 August 2014

Birthdays and Brilliant New Products!

August 15th was my 2nd anniversary of becoming an Independent Consultant with Arbonne. I can't believe how quickly that time has flown by, nor the impact of that decision on my life.  People who've known me for years can see a marked change in me - a new zest for life, an eagerness to step further and further outside of my comfort zone!  I have a whole new circle of friends and a growing  base of delighted customers.

The year ahead promises to be just as exciting with pamper party bookings in September and October, our Arbonne Advantage Conference in Liverpool at the end of September where we get to see the limited edition Christmas Line (normally I'd groan at the mention of Christmas in August but I can't wait to see the products) and hear about the massive improvements being made for those of us who are part of what is already an amazing business. (I have my early bird ticket and hotel booked!)

Meanwhile, I earned the chance to try the latest incredible product a month before it will be available for sale to our customers
Arbonne Intelligence, Genius Booster Serum 
for Body.  What can I say?  It is Genius by name and by result having been using it on the recommended areas (backs of hands, thighs, arms and decolletage) I love the instant effect. I bought two extra knowing some of my customers would want to get their hands on this before September so if you want yours £42 Retail Price - (£33.60 to my preferred clients!) let me know, first come first served!

Wednesday 2 July 2014

The Infrequent Blogger..and why!

For anyone reading this who doesn't know me, it might surprise you to know that I already have a full-time business as a business adviser and trainer supporting social enterprises and co-ops with my lovely business partner, Lorna.  Add to that a large garden, an allotment
which I manage pretty much on my own, a gorgeous grand-daughter and circle of close friends and it might shed some light on why making the time to write a blog can be a tall order sometimes. (Mustn't forget the lovely man too - although happily, he's always got projects and hobbies on the go so he doesn't feel neglected...)

However, my Arbonne business has taken me on a journey of self-discovery, learning and stretching myself along the way and I'm committed to communicating the passion I feel for this business.  How many companies out there offer products that have been so meticulously researched and ethically produced?  How many are Vegan Society certified?  Most importantly, I believe in these products having been using them exclusively for nearly two years now, I know that they live up to the claims of Pure, Safe and Beneficial.

From my RE9 smoothing facial cleanser in the shower in the mornings with its gorgeous, natural fragrance to soothing my skin with my night cream at the end of the day I am applying products I trust 100% to my body and face.  What's not to like!

Monday 9 June 2014

Not the World Cup!

A Sporting Chance!

I didn't watch the French Open nor will I be watching the World Cup (unless England makes it to the finals!)  However, what I have been watching is several people around me becoming extremely successful in their Arbonne business and I have decided that I don't want to be in a spectator sport!  The men are doing particularly well which always brings out my competitive nature. Having now officially retired from Badminton I know exactly how I shall be spending the time instead - investing in my future and that of my family by building my own business a lot quicker - now that's exciting to me! How about you? Why not join me - it often feels like Willy Wonka must have felt when he unwrapped the golden ticket!

Summer Specials
We're nearly at the longest day, which seems hard to believe but I'm cheered by the memory that the best is yet to come - late June, July and August and often well into September we have warm weather and light evenings to enjoy with family, friends or both.  I shall be busy doing 'Summer Sizzler' events - Sandals and Sangria parties for people who want to pamper their summer feet, Margaritas and Manicures for glamorous hands and 'His and Her' skincare advice for parties of people who want to find their perfect skincare products and routine.  These are just three of 20+ themed sessions I can deliver - for the full menu if you fancy an hour or two of fun and learning email me at

The Calm Range is especially designed for men and women with sensitive skin - it's also incredibly good value!

Monday 2 June 2014

Let Me Inform and Entertain You!

Not many people will remember that before I entered the world of business advice, I trained and achieved a Diploma in skincare with a Swedish skincare company.  Little did I know that I would one day find that training to be of use again (apart from applying the knowledge to myself!)  I used to provide facials for group hostesses and have to confess to being in great demand, providing new looks for brides, birthdays and posh do's!

With the superb training and product knowledge that Arbonne gives me I've learned the newest looks for today's women and invested in the
Beauty Box, adding to the colours & broadening the colour palette.  So far I've done a 50th birthday 'new look' facial and a rehearsal for a bride to be.  I've shown several women (who have never been taught before) how to play up their best features and minimise what they consider to be their least, gaining some loyal customers into the bargain.

A session lasts about an hour including a write up of products use for your future reference.  It's a fun way to spend an hour with a few friends who can see how it's done and get some advice for their own skincare into the bargain.  What's more it's free of charge and brought to you in the comfort of your own home - or mine if you need to escape!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Introducing the New Products From Arbonne

Starting with my favourite first, Pure Vibrance - ColorLast Hair Spray!  Woo Hoo!  Now I confess I have only just started using hairspray very recently since I had a fringe introduced after 20+ years without one.  I asked my wonderful hairdresser for a recommendation and although he tries to stock only paraben free products he said all the ones on the market had some nasties in them (my word for the harmful ingredients we don't want to put on our bodies or in them).

Imagine my delight when Arbonne launched this new product.  It smells good, feels good and provides perfect hold.  It is, in the words of our latest brochure - 

For tousled, sexy, touchably soft hair, try our non-flaky alcohol free hair spray that creates flexible, long lasting hold.  ColorLast Technology helps protect colour treated hair from sun damage and humidity and helps your hair stay vibrant and looking like you just left the salon.  Key ingredients; panthenol, white teal leaf extract, linseed extract.

148ml size costs £22 but my clever preferred clients get a whopping 20% off that price!

Pure Vibrance™ColorLast Hair Spray from Arbonne United Kingdom

The other new product in this range is the ColourLast Serum - more about that next time.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Growing People the Arbonne Way!

When I joined Arbonne in August 2012, just 21 months ago, I had no idea how much it would impact upon my life.  I have met so many new people and made some terrific friends, locally in Devon, throughout the UK and now in America, Canada and Poland too.

If you had told me back then that I would grow the confidence to book and take an 11 hour flight to Vegas for the Global Training Conference - travelling there completely alone I would have laughed in sheer disbelief.  However, what I hadn't bargained on is how this amazing company would help to develop me as a person and whet my appetite for new and bigger adventures.

A Facebook Page and Twitter Account doesn't provide enough space to share all the details, so I hope by creating a blog and committing to post regularly this will supply the curious among you the information that may be of interest to you
  • our amazing product range
  • top tips and things to avoid for skincare and applying cosmetics
  • how to use our nutrition range
  • how to join the thousands of us who are breaking out of the 9 to 5 with this incredible  business opportunity. :0)