Sunday 5 October 2014

Autumn in Arbonne Means Activity!

Arbonne Evolution™ Set from Arbonne United KingdomGreens Balance

September has been a truly fabulous month in Arbonne with the launch of some ground breaking new products in the UK including these three products in our nutrition range.  The Full Control and Metabolism Support are designed to help people who want to manage their weight and the Greens Balance which provides a spectrum of proprietary colour blends of whole fruit and vegetable powders — delivering antioxidants, phytonutrients and the fibre you need to have a more balanced, healthier diet every day.  

Me, well I got to have a short break in Italy and then roll on Liverpool where we had our amazing Arbonne Advantage Conference - the annual UK event.  Last year there were 1100 of us coming together, this year 1500 at the Echo Arena.  What's really exciting is that this is the time our Limited Edition Festive range is showcased.  I was so impressed I have bought samples of just about the entire range so my Hostesses will be able to offer the chance for their guests to get some Christmas Shopping done in comfort and without the queues! :0)  One or two of my favourites have got to be the Sugar Plum Baked Eye Shadow Pallete and the Kiss At Midnight Lip Conditioner Trio

October promises to positively fizz with the much awaited Energy Fizz Sticks becoming available in the UK for the first time.  I ordered mine and have been delighted with the results.  Before dashing off to an evening meeting after a night of disturbed sleep I tried my first one - I perked up no end and didn't flag once.  A repeat of the experiment once again gave me a great result and I know I shall be keeping a regular supply in my handbag, car and in the kitchen. And judging by the number of bookings lining up ahead I shall need to keep fizzing!  One that I am really happy to have been selected for is the Exeter Axehayes Adoption Centre for Cats Protection - charity pamper evening on the 17th!   charity-pamper-evening It promises to be a fun event and I hope we raise lots of money for a fantastic cause.

Anyway, this is a longer Blog than usual but I hope you've found it interesting.  Feedback or questions always welcome - just message me on Facebook
Energy Fizz Sticks - Citrus from Arbonne United Kingdom
A little packet with a big result! 

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