Monday 9 June 2014

Not the World Cup!

A Sporting Chance!

I didn't watch the French Open nor will I be watching the World Cup (unless England makes it to the finals!)  However, what I have been watching is several people around me becoming extremely successful in their Arbonne business and I have decided that I don't want to be in a spectator sport!  The men are doing particularly well which always brings out my competitive nature. Having now officially retired from Badminton I know exactly how I shall be spending the time instead - investing in my future and that of my family by building my own business a lot quicker - now that's exciting to me! How about you? Why not join me - it often feels like Willy Wonka must have felt when he unwrapped the golden ticket!

Summer Specials
We're nearly at the longest day, which seems hard to believe but I'm cheered by the memory that the best is yet to come - late June, July and August and often well into September we have warm weather and light evenings to enjoy with family, friends or both.  I shall be busy doing 'Summer Sizzler' events - Sandals and Sangria parties for people who want to pamper their summer feet, Margaritas and Manicures for glamorous hands and 'His and Her' skincare advice for parties of people who want to find their perfect skincare products and routine.  These are just three of 20+ themed sessions I can deliver - for the full menu if you fancy an hour or two of fun and learning email me at

The Calm Range is especially designed for men and women with sensitive skin - it's also incredibly good value!

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