Saturday 17 May 2014

Growing People the Arbonne Way!

When I joined Arbonne in August 2012, just 21 months ago, I had no idea how much it would impact upon my life.  I have met so many new people and made some terrific friends, locally in Devon, throughout the UK and now in America, Canada and Poland too.

If you had told me back then that I would grow the confidence to book and take an 11 hour flight to Vegas for the Global Training Conference - travelling there completely alone I would have laughed in sheer disbelief.  However, what I hadn't bargained on is how this amazing company would help to develop me as a person and whet my appetite for new and bigger adventures.

A Facebook Page and Twitter Account doesn't provide enough space to share all the details, so I hope by creating a blog and committing to post regularly this will supply the curious among you the information that may be of interest to you
  • our amazing product range
  • top tips and things to avoid for skincare and applying cosmetics
  • how to use our nutrition range
  • how to join the thousands of us who are breaking out of the 9 to 5 with this incredible  business opportunity. :0)

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